There are many natural remedies for heartburn, and some not only relieve your symptoms but also help to prevent heartburn in the first place. Sufferers often find that what works for one person may not work as well for another, but with a little trial and error on your part you can find the ones that work best for you.

Here are some natural, easily found substances that relieve the discomfort of heartburn for many people.

Ginger or Ginger Tea

Ginger is one of the oldest natural remedies for heartburn. It also helps relieve nausea. Studies have shown that ginger helps regulate the production of stomach acids and resultant gases as digestion occurs, thus reducing the amount of acid that may escape into your esophagus.

Include ginger in your daily diet to prevent further heartburn attacks. Eating some ginger with a meal is enough to do the trick, but if you dislike the taste of ginger you can also drink it as a tea.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent heartburn remedy. Even though vinegar is thought of as being quite acidic, apple cider vinegar has an alkalizing effect on the body. This makes it one of the better remedies to choose. The apple cider vinegar helps to neutralize the stomach acids and so helps to prevent them from refluxing into the esophagus.

Try drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in an 8-ounce glass of water before eating, to prevent heartburn. Take the same dose as a remedy if you already have heartburn. Some people prefer to take the tablespoon of apple cider vinegar straight. You may have to experiment to find which method works best for you.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a well-known natural antacid. Studies have shown that baking soda helps to neutralize stomach acid. Drink 1 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in 8 ounces of water to immediately alleviate heartburn symptoms and acid reflux.


Bananas are famous for being a natural antacid. Eat 1-2 fresh or dried bananas to restore healthy acid levels in the stomach.
Chamomile Tea

Stress appears to be strongly correlated to heartburn attacks. To help relieve stress, drink a cup of chamomile tea. The tea also helps to neutralize the acid content of your stomach.

Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm contains substances that can thicken the mucous lining of the stomach thereby creating a barrier against the stomach acid. Pour a few tablespoons of slippery elm extract into a glass of water. Drink this after having your meals and before going to bed at night.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow contains mucilage which can coat and protect the mucous membrane. When you feel like your throat and chest is on fire, drink a cup of marshmallow solution. Simply mix one teaspoon of powdered marshmallow root into a cup of water and drink your way to relief.

Although over-the-counter medications are convenient, home remedies offer safer preventative measures and they can also save you money. Used properly, natural remedies can stop the pain and discomfort before they even begin.


Turmeric is an herb that is used in most curry recipes. Although it might be more well-known as a flavor in Asian dishes, it also prevents acid build-up as well as stimulates digestion, and has other valuable health benefits as well.

Aloe Vera Juice

Making a juice out of Aloe Vera is both soothing to the stomach and is an effective remedy during a heartburn attack.